Level One

1. Mount correctly

(Both Reins and Whip into the Left hand and a clump of mane or on the neck, Right hand as far round to the back of the saddle DO NOT HOLD ON TO THE FRONT AND BACK OF THE SADDLE, Left foot in the stirrup, bounce 3 times and swing right leg over, not kicking the horses bottom on the way over and landing lightly on the saddle) 

2. Dismount correctly  

(Both feet out of stirrups, reins and whip in to left hand right hand on the front of the saddle lean forwards slightly and swing your right leg over the back of the saddle, landing on the left. On landing bend both knees and you should be facing the same way as the horse) 

3. Hold reins  

(Little finger underneath the rein thumb on top close your fingers around your reins – and palms of your hands facing each other) 

4. Halt 

(sit up nice and tall, heels down, toes up, palms of your hands facing sit on your bottom a little deeper, active walk, squeeze down both reins and gently pull back slightly, you can use your voice and ask your horse to “HALT”) 

5. Walk  

(sit up nice and tall, heels down, toes up, palms of your hands facing, keep your lower leg underneath you so you have a straight line Ear Shoulder Hip Heel, ride your horse through your hips and seat a little more, active walk horses head should be bobbing up and down nice and quick, you can use your voice and ask your horse to “WALK ON”) 

6. Rising trot  

(sit up nice and tall, heels down, toes up, palms of your hands facing, keep your lower leg underneath you, standing up and down as your horses’ trots, as the outside front leg goes forwards you should stand and as it comes back you should sit) 

7.Walk without reins  

8. Trot without reins  

(sit up nice and tall, heels down, toes up, palms of your hands facing, keep your lower leg underneath you so you have a straight line Ear Shoulder Hip Heel, try not to tip forward) 

9. Explain an Active Walk 

(Horses is walking forwards with its head bobbing up and down nice and quick, back feet should fall where the front feet where) 

10. Walk 20m Circles a and c  

11. Simple Changes of Reins (A-C, C-A, B-E, E-B, M-K, K-M, F-H, H-F) 

12. Bending in and out of cones 

13. Around the world with helper  

14. Balance 

15. Learn to Run up Stirrups 

16. Loosen Girth